878 research outputs found

    Directrices básicas para la auditoría de sistemas de gestión de calidad en instituciones de educación superior

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    En las páginas siguientes, se presenta un marco de directrices básicas para la auditoría de sistemas de gestión de calidad a las instituciones de educación superior, en especial de sus programas de postgrado. En este trabajo se indaga, básicamente sobre, la conceptualización de la auditoría de sistemas y la particularización de las categorías de auditoría, además se aborda los principios de auditoría, la gestión de un programa de auditoría, las actividades básicas de la auditoría de sistemas y, se delinea un criterio sobre la competencia y evaluación de los auditores desde la perspectiva de la auditoría de sistemas de gestión de la calidad. De esta manera, la intención de este estudio, es articular y aplicar una metodología alternativa de auditoría de sistemas de gestión de calidad en las instituciones de educación superior y sus programas de postgrado. En los anexos (1.1 y 1.3), adaptados de formatos proporcionados en eventos académicos y científicos, se presentan formatos para el Plan de Auditoria, y para, el Informe de Auditoría de Certificación.Audit, Quality, Higher Education, Postgraduate, Certification, ISO, Ontology

    Looking for a physical basis of rainfall multifractality

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    The study of rainfall arises from the necessity for knowing large and short-term climatic dynamics, as well as their affectations in the context of engineering practices. This research focus on the study of tropical rainfall and it was guided toward the conceptual exploration of the physical mechanism that explains how the multifractal scaling properties emerges in the rainfall field. On the basis of space-time rainfall records and model outputs analysis, it was possible to collect evidence that confirm rainfall multifractality exists and such a statistical property can be also identified in physically-based model outputs. The conceptual exploration that was developed in this research based on either classic--physics conservation principles or modern theories related to the study of the well-known critical phenomena. Among the findings, multifractality is understood as an essential reflection of the atmospheric instability by convection processes. Either instabilities or their resulting multifractality are sub-products of a diffusive mechanism which takes effect in the atmosphere. Under particular conditions of the dynamical system representing the convection processes, diffusion-driven instabilities give rise to the concentration of spatial structures in the rainfall field, and the organization of such structures is described by multifractality. Although open questions remain about the physics of rainfall multifractality, this work sets up a path for building a general theory and to promote innovative engineering design tools.El estudio de la precipitación responde a la necesidad inherente por conocer las dinámicas climáticas de corto y largo plazo, como también sus afectaciones en el contexto de las prácticas de ingeniería. La presente investigación se delimitó al estudio de la precipitación tropical y se orientó a la exploración conceptual del mecanismo físico que explica la emergencia de las propiedades de escalamiento multifractal del campo de precipitación. Partiendo del análisis de registros espacio-temporales de precipitación y de patrones simulados por computador se agruparon evidencias que ratifican la existencia de la multifractalidad en la precipitación y que tal propiedad estadística puede también ser identificada en modelo de base física. La exploración conceptual realizada en la investigación se apoyó en los principios de conservación provenientes de la física clásica y en las teorías modernas que han dado lugar a lo que hoy en día es conocido como fenómenos críticos. Entre los hallazgos encontrados, se concibe la multifractalidad como una manifestación inherente de la inestabilidad atmosférica por procesos de convección. Las inestabilidades y consecuentemente la multifractalidad son subproductos inducidos por un mecanismo difusivo en la atmósfera terrestre. Bajo condiciones especiales del sistema dinámico asociado a los procesos de convección, las inestabilidades inducidas por difusión dan lugar a la concentración de estructuras espaciales en el campo de precipitación y la organización de estas estructuras se describen a través de la multifractalidad. Aún cuando se mantienen algunas preguntas abiertas sobre la física de la multifractalidad en la precipitación, esta investigación establece una ruta para la consolidación de una teoría general y el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas de diseño en el marco de la ingeniería..Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (COLCIENCIAS)Crédito Educativo Condonable - Programa Nacional de Formación de InvestigadoresDoctor en Ingeniería - Recursos HidráulicosDoctorad

    Rainwater harvesting system for Medellin's bottom of the pyramid communities located on Santo Domingo Savio

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    Una mirada desde las interacciones entre el docente y los alumnos

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    Desde el rol de docente o alumno, la educación superior debe ser una experiencia de hombres y mujeres que comparten su historicidad y participan en la coformación de nuevos conocimientos a partir de sus intersubjetividades, permitiendo reconfigurar la cotidianidad a partir de cada una de las acciones. Benedetti (2007) escribe lo siguiente: “Llega un momento en que cualquier realidad se acaba. Y entonces no hay más remedio que volver a inventarla (…), hay que volverla a concebir” (Mario, 2003). Estas palabras, plantean la reflexión sobre la cual puede también sustentarse la responsabilidad permanente que nos compete como docentes, en temas de formación y coformación, sin olvidar que su fundamento está basado en la alteridad, como principio esencial de respeto

    Optimal Phase Swapping in Low Voltage Distribution Networks Based on Smart Meter Data and Optimization Heuristics

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    In this paper a modified version of the Harmony Search algorithm is proposed as a novel tool for phase swapping in Low Voltage Distribution Networks where the objective is to determine to which phase each load should be connected in order to reduce the unbalance when all phases are added into the neutral conductor. Unbalanced loads deteriorate power quality and increase costs of investment and operation. A correct assignment is a direct, effective alternative to prevent voltage peaks and network outages. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal of an optimization model for allocating phases consumers according to their individual consumption in the network of low-voltage distribution considering mono and bi-phase connections using real hourly load patterns, which implies that the computational complexity of the defined combinatorial optimization problem is heavily increased. For this purpose a novel metric function is defined in the proposed scheme. The performance of the HS algorithm has been compared with classical Genetic Algorithm. Presented results show that HS outperforms GA not only on terms of quality but on the convergence rate, reducing the computational complexity of the proposed scheme while provide mono and bi phase connections.This paper includes partial results of the UPGRID project. This project has re- ceived funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 646.531), for further information check the website: http://upgrid.eu. As well as by the Basque Government through the ELKARTEK programme (BID3A and BID3ABI projects)

    Survey of Ants in Dry Forests of Southwestern Ecuador (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Two dry forests of southwestern Ecuador separated 43 km from each other, one situated at 460 m above sea level and the other at 680 m, are surveyed for ants giving a total of 28 species collected manually and from pitfall traps. Eleven species are shared between the sites whilst four are exclusive to one site and 13 to other. Differences in humidity, rainfall seasonality, and disturbance regimes may account for at least part of the differences observed between the ant communities of the two sites. Dorymyrmex pyramicus peruvianum Wheeler, 1919 andPseudomyrmex kuenckeli (Emery, 1890) are reported from Ecuador for the first time. Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, 1881 and Camponotus conspicuus zonatus Emery, 1894are reported from mainland Ecuador for the first time. The genus Dorymyrmex Mayr, 1866 is recorded from Ecuador for the first time

    Estudio socio-jurídico comparado de la familia y el matrimonio en Ecuador y Perú

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    International audienceThis paper presents a comparative study between international law regulations and the Ecuador and Peru constitutions on family and marriage in relation to the recognition of rights. Thus, in four sections, I will present: 1) the theoretical foundations of these institutions, 2) the Ecuadorian and Peruvian legal framework on family and marriage, 3) the legislation compared between these two countries and 4) the differences and similarities between the comparative law on family and marriage. One of the main results of this study is that, although Peruvian legislation “protects the family and promotes marriage”, recognizing these “as natural and fundamental institutes of society”, Article 4 of the Constitution Politics of Peru does not contemplate the constitution of families “by legal or de facto ties” in “equality of rights and opportunities of its members”, which in turn are established in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (Article 67), that it is in accordance with article 15 of the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights; this difference occurs because the Peruvian Constitution adopts the regulations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.El presente trabajo presenta un estudio comparativo entre normativas del derecho internacional y de las constituciones Ecuador y Perú sobre la familia y el matrimonio con relación al reconocimiento de derechos. Así, en cuatro secciones, expondré: 1) los fundamentos teóricos de estas instituciones, 2) el marco jurídico ecuatoriano y peruano sobre la familia y el matrimonio, 3) la legislación comparada entre estos dos países y 4) las diferencias y similitudes entre el derecho comparada sobre la familia y el matrimonio. Uno de los principales resultados de este estudio es que, si bien en la legislación peruana se «protege a la familia y promueve el matrimonio», reconociendo a estos «como institutos naturales y fundamentales de la sociedad», el Art. 4 de la Constitución Política del Perú no contempla la constitución de familias «por vínculos jurídicos o de hecho» en «igualdad de derechos y oportunidades de sus integrantes», que en cambio sí están establecidas en la Constitución de la República del Ecuador (Art. 67), lo que está en concordancia con el artículo 15 del Protocolo Adicional a la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos; esta diferencia se da por cuanto, la Constitución peruana adopta la normativa del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos y de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos

    Estudio socio-jurídico comparado de la unión de hecho en Ecuador y Perú

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    International audienceThe present work presents a comparative study between the Ecuadorian legislation and that of Peru with regard to the equality of rights of people who have a legal bond of de facto union and those based on marriage. Thus, in five sections, I will expose: 1) the theoretical foundations of the de facto union, 2) the Ecuadorian and Peruvian legal framework of the de facto union, 3) the legislation compared between these two countries, 4) the results of the perception in Ecuador and 5) the differences and similarities between the legislation compared on the de facto union. One of the main results of this study is that, although in Peruvian law, the rights and obligations of the de facto union are determined in Article 5 of the Political Constitution and Art. 326 of the Civil Code, which does not recognize concubines the ordinary administration of the society of property or property, the obligations between cohabitants and the voluntary substitution of the patrimony, which in turn are established in the Civil Code (Articles 222-232) and in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (Art. 68), given the exclusion of these rights and obligations of the Peruvian legal system.El presente trabajo presenta un estudio comparativo entre la legislación ecuatoriana y la de Perú en lo referido a la igualdad de derechos de las personas que tienen un vínculo jurídico de unión de hecho y aquellas que tienen como base el matrimonio. Así, en cinco secciones, expondré: 1) los fundamentos teóricos de la unión de hecho, 2) el marco jurídico ecuatoriano y peruano de la unión de hecho, 3) la legislación comparada entre estos dos países, 4) los resultados de la percepción en Ecuador y 5) las diferencias y similitudes entre la legislación comparada sobre la unión de hecho. Uno de los principales resultados de este estudio es que si bien en la legislación peruana los derechos y obligaciones de la unión de hecho están determinados en el Art. 5 del Constitución Política y Art. 326 del Código Civil, en éstas no se reconoce a los concubinos la administración ordinaria de la sociedad de bienes o de gananciales, las obligaciones entre convivientes y la sustitución voluntaria del patrimonio, que en cambio sí están establecidas en el Código Civil (Arts. 222-232) y en la Constitución de la República del Ecuador (Art. 68), dada la exclusión de estos derechos y obligaciones del ordenamiento legal peruano

    Atrial Fibrillation during Septic Shock

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is an early and common occurrence during septic shock, accounting for 25–30% of admissions. Conventional cardiovascular risk factors do not generally increase its incidence, especially in cases of new-onset AF. Inflammation during the sepsis process has been postulated as a possible trigger. Detrimental effects of AF result in prognosis worsening, even when the probability for a negative outcome has been adjusted for severity of illness. New-onset AF (NOAF) has been associated with greater mortality rate than preexisting chronic AF. Early cardioversion has not uniformly improved hospital outcomes. In this review, the incidence, prognosis and management of AF in septic shock patients are summarized

    Fractography on Rigid Ceramics with Ultra-High-Molecular- Weight Polyethylene Fabric after Ballistic Impacts

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    The impact protection systems have traditionally been developed with metallic materials and structural protection applied in the automotive sector; while personal protection systems and composite systems evolve very fast, these systems have a large increase in applications due mainly to the amplitude of the manufacturing process. In the composite system for impact protection, it exposes both functionality and the rigid systems, aimed at structural protection, and flexible systems for personal protection. Nowadays, the development of materials with ballistic applications has emphasized protection of lightweight materials, for protection against projectiles of high and low speeds, among which are the bullets from weapons, fragments of tempered steel grenade hand or aircraft fragments, or a vehicle at high speed directly against housing and human integrity. It is necessary to investigate the mechanisms of fracture of the materials usually used for protection against impact, thus, it is possible to obtain important design systems that reduce the probability of failure and protect human lives and reduce damage to infrastructure information. In this chapter, the behavior of laminate sandwich-type systems, made from handcrafted ceramic plates with sheets of polyethylene (ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene, UHWMPE) against the impact of a metallic projectile, has been explored. The experimental work was made of two groups with different arrangements: the first group with the side that receives the impact of ceramic material (silicon carbide, SiC)-backed polymeric material and the second group with the side that receives the impact on polymer-backed ceramic material, the plates had dimensions 200 mm2 of thickness to 5 mm for single plates and 20 mm for double plates. The experimental test was performed following the parameters of impact of NIJ III A standard. Some mechanisms (morphologies) of dissipation of kinetic energy received in the components were identified, as cited below, first in the ceramic material the formation of a crater, fracture, and delamination was observed, formed in the double and simple plates. Later, in the fabric polymeric material deformation mechanisms, such as the origination of defibrillation, conical geometry formation, delamination, twisting, and melting fibers due to the tribological contact of the metal shell impact, were observed. The exploration was culminated making a comparison between the arrangement that had higher energy absorption compared to an additional system designed with a ceramic (SiC) with less porosity, also aside to this chapter, it shows some of the deformed projectiles with a basic description of the fracture obtained after the impact, complementing the overall analysis of the systems used